Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Indian glaciologist fires back at skeptics

Bangalore - "It's the fact that global warming is happening. If the Arctic sea ice melts, as the Himalayan glaciers do not melt?" Glaciology Syed Iqbal Hasnain outraged.

Among Brouhaha on the withdrawal last week, the UN body on its report in 2007 that the disappearance of Himalayan glaciers in 2035 global warming skeptics quickly seized on the mistake, taking note of media reports on this issue, which they believe has strengthened its position.

But Hasnain, who was in the middle of the Himalayan debate the crisis, said that "ridiculous" suggest that

NOT glaciers melting.

The scientist reportedly linked in 2035 the Himalayan glaciers could be lost to global warming will disappear in 1999 interview with the British publication New Scientist. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), picked the date of the next item and reported that eight years, in its Fourth Assessment Report in 2007, only to withdraw the previous week.

The report of the IPCC, the United Nations agency said that the phenomenon of climate change will melt most Himalayan glaciers by 2035, which was taken from an article published in New Scientist in 1999, a British poster "Sunday Times" in its January 17 issue. Article is based on telephone interviews with the author of the journal Hasnain, Fred Pearce.

IPCC, which assesses the valuable information about climate change, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 along with VS former Vice President Al Gore.

Hasnain, who denies all with 2035 dates to give the writer, "said Pierce went on record in the same article, Sunday Times, said in a 1999 report prepared by a scientist, he is reading, it means" not as a term of 2035 the Himalayan glaciers melt.

Hasnain, senior fellow at the Institute of Energy and Resources (Terry), said the date specified in the New Scientist article is a "journalistic interpolated assumption interviewer that I had no control."

Summary Hasnain's recent research on the Himalayan glaciers "includes studies conducted over the past ten years proves that the Himalayan glaciers are retreating.

Glaciers in the eastern and central Himalayas, particularly sensitive to warming of the atmosphere as a result of snow accumulation years, the current system, Glaciology the report said, citing a study in 1984 Yasunari K Ageta and Higuchi.

The increase in air temperature in the summer ice melt not only increased but also significantly reduces the accumulation of snow precipitation correction. In contrast, "winter-accumulation type glaciers are getting their main accumulation at lower temperatures and, consequently, less sensitive to temperature increases, the report said Hasnain.

Himalayas, located between the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateu, is the highest mountain chain in the world and includes Mount Everest. It is home to more than 15,000 glaciers.

2009 study by melting glaciers group of scientists headed by optical sensor Shukla use satellite data to estimate glacier Samundratapu in Lahaul-Spiti, Himachal Pradesh in northern India, deglaciated at 13.7 square kilometers of the last 41 years, with the face of retreating 588 meters. The researchers concluded that any changes that seem related to the Earth's climate.

The issue of climate change on the basis of strong global discussions and the focus of serious efforts by the international community to deal with the consequences, including the rapid melting of glaciers, which are known to lead to a wave of natural disasters.

At the end of last year, a flurry of letters sent by e-climate scientists at the University of East Anglia in Britain, arguing that it was rigged so that some statistical data to show climate change has caused public outrage. Scientists at the center of the dispute said that their letters had been broken into and taken out of context.

Hasnain said vested interests are trying to scientists, who "in good faith to do their utmost to discredit the research problem."

And collection of scientific data on glacier retreat in the Himalayas, almost impossible, both physically and technically challenging. Kathmandu established the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), no systematic measurements of glacier mass balance in the Himalayan region.

China is the only country in the region, which conducts long-term studies of mass balance of some glaciers. It will expand research in a Himalayan glacier in the future, said ICIMOD.

In November 2009, together with a group of foreign journalists Khardung La, the highest pass in the Indian state of retreating glaciers, observe, Hasnain found scientific proof of the glacial retreat in Chota Sigri in Himachal Pradesh, Drang Drung Zanskar in Ladakh region and East - Rathong in Eastern Himalayas.

Chota Sigri showed a sharp decline in the annual mass balance of the glacier is moving at 40 meters per year, higher and reaches 25 meters each year in the lower reaches.

"It's definitely less", Hasnain said that a group of European, American and South Asian journalists.

Together with Dr. Veerabhadra Ramanathan of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Hasnain as scientific evidence of how black carbon aerosols, which contributes to "atmospheric brown cloud" phenomenon, have been deposited in the Himalayan snows, and the effect of temperature is to accelerate even more than "normal" global warming.

In India, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry seems to feel justified about its value, made in mid-2009, the position of the IPCC was "alarmist." Chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, as well as the director, Terry, have been described in the report, as a ministry on the basis of "Voodoo Science".

Painful fiasco over the projected date of the disappearance of Himalayan glaciers Clouded debate about the poor state of these ice masses, particularly small ones.

U Lada, in the northern Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, a former engineer Chewang Norphel quiet rural refutes the claim that there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove that India is retreating glaciers.

"I have scientific data," said Norphel. "I have seen, for example, the size of the glacier La Khardung, since I was a child: he is a firm ice," he said in an interview with a group of international journalists in November 2009.

Norphel, popularly known as "Ice Man of India", building high-rise feed water protection freeze, as "artificial glaciers" in the absence of water storage of the Himalayan glaciers are retreating.

Khardung La is an example of the melting of glaciers Okay, now just learn how the glacier. More than 70% of the Lada district water comes from the spring from melting snow and glaciers is the only source of water for irrigation in remote mountainous areas.

But in recent years the increase in temperature led to serve in snow in the upper reaches "build" areas of these glaciers, resulting in reduced water in the spring.

Review of 20 villages and 211 people aged over 65 years in the area of Ladakh, by the French non-governmental organizations GeREs (Groupe énergies renouvelables, Environmental Protection and Solidarity) showed that 90% of them thought the winter was warmer now.

Metereological GeREs analyzed data from 1973 shows an increase by one degree Celsius in the winter months in Ladakh, with a sharp fall in the snow and an equally strong increase in average summer temperatures in July, August and September.

Temperature changes have already begun to affect biodiversity in the region and communities, said that the international conservation organization World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

"Selection of Bar-headed Goose and black-necked crane is not on the track in recent years," said Neath Khatun, project manager of World Wildlife Fund in Leh.

She added that the migration routes of the community of more Tsokar Leh, the world famous weaving Pashmina Libra, "has become more visited, because these rural communities to migrate due to grazing degrading.

The Next Contagion

Following the infection begins to spread throughout the world.

It was a surprise to Wall Street, not understood in Washington - and very dangerous.

This can thwart the plans of the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve, and many of their colleagues abroad.

This ...

The collapse of the Sovereign
Government bonds

This is not the first of the financial crises of recent memory:

Back in 1997 we witnessed the currency hatched infection in Thailand, quickly spread to the rest of Southeast Asia ... touch the Russia in the gut ... sink and a major player in the American market derivatives.

Then, after 10 years, the debt-infection were incubated in the sub-prime mortgage market in the U.S. ... rapid infection of almost all credit instruments ... Wall Street as a bright sledgehammer ... and mortally wounded the global financial system.

Contagion It was bad. Now, however, after the initial infection at a much higher level in the main financial instruments on earth - long bonds issued by sovereign governments.

Saga begins in Greece
Greece and Portugal.

Only 116 days ago, on 8 October, it was Greece Benchmark 10-year bonds sold for 112,295. Today collapsed at 92.13.

And the drama of raising yields more surprising - only 4.41 per cent to 7.14 per cent, a jump of more than 60 percent in less than four months.

By coincidence I was in Greece not long ago, a visit to the origins of Western democracy.

When the local soothsayer told me that the next global infection debt will, blocks from the Pantheon, I do not believe it. But it happened only in recent weeks.

Although the infection spreading to other countries ...

Portugal 10-year bonds reached a peak on Dec. 1, 2009, only 62 days ago. And now she is almost non-stop, with the largest decline recorded dive at the end of last week.

UK government bonds (gilts) are equally vulnerable.

Sovereign bonds in Spain, Japan and other countries also are beginning to get serious lack of interest.

Next Victim: VS Government bonds

In the global competition for investors, VS Treasuries, usually regarded as the "least ugly". Thus, global investors are usually willing to have a relatively high price to pay for them, reluctantly accepting lower yields.

This helps explain why U.S. bonds are not primarily for infection. But it does not protect them from becoming one of the following purposes.

Indeed ...

* The U.S. government suffers from the same or even worse, underlying disease, such as Greece, Portugal or any other victims of infection - massive, out of control federal deficit. America's red ink is 1.4 trillion dollars last year and the other 1.4 trillion dollars this year.

* Washington's head buried in the same mounds of sand, Athens and Lisbon - gross underestimation (a) the size of the deficit, (b) the potential impact on investor confidence, and (c) the level of bond prices may fall.

* Like his colleagues in Athens and Lisbon, President Obama ignore adviser, who warned of disaster and shortage is just beginning to seriously consider measures to reduce the deficit. And yet he continues to avoid steps which could be one significant difference.

Specific ...

President acts as the Commission for the Study of deficit reduction (rejected by the Senate last week) ... but the commission's recommendations are not binding there is no clear process in place for implementation.

The President has proposed to freeze some domestic spending, but will freeze affect only a small portion of the budget will not be hit until next year, and will be a combination of reductions and cost increases. It will have zero impact on the deficit in 2010 and a negligible impact on future deficits.

The president promised to TARP funds back to taxpayers, but also suggested the use of unspent funds on bank credits TARP community - another lost opportunity to reduce the deficit.

The President supports the "pay as you" rules for Congress - requires new spending to be weighed against budget cuts or revenue increases. But the devil is in the details. If these rules are not very sharp teeth, they are ineffective.

My opinion: if the deficit was only U.S. $ 200 billion, or 300 billion U.S. dollars, I would support and even applaud these small steps.

But in the context of the Back-to-back deficits and 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars in the inevitable collapse of the bonds are little more than too little too late master.

This complacency
It is a catastrophe

Unfortunately, although the majority of advisers in the Obama team have become more aware of the growing political waves against Washington and rescue operations and deficits, they do not see the approaching tsunami comes from Greece.

Money and Markets Mike Larson explains the situation as follows:

"Imagine what would happen if Uncle Sam's borrowing costs had increased, when in Greece - 60 per cent!" Imagine what would mean that the cost of auto loans, mortgages and other products whose prices track Treasury yields! And determine the effect on the economy more trying to recover from the Greater recession, this is the next big story, which few people about. "

He is right, and he constantly warned about.

Alas, if Obama administration and Congress can both learn something from the budget or find a new fountain of revenue - as unlikely in the near future - is crumbling U.S. bond prices and bond sharp rise is inevitable.

As we saw during the propagation in 1997-98 and 2007-09 ...

* The credibility of the vulnerable investment - this time, long-term effect of the U.S. government - a sudden collapse. Then it was a certain geographic regions or niches. Now she is a threat to the foundation of our national essence.

* Investors will pull their money in a hurry ...

* Avalanche sales drive prices all bonds - government, businesses and municipalities - in an uncontrolled dive swan. And ...

* The infection spread to all countries on the planet is also clear that vulnerability to disease - has a massive federal deficit.

Nevertheless, a large silver lining in this new crisis: Sinking prices of government bonds - Updated additional borrowing the government - the most powerful mechanisms for governments to convince the market and put an end to their print spend madness.

Provided that we again did not succumb to false promises of politicians - and if we are willing as a nation, the necessary sacrifices - there is still hope for America.

This is one reason why I recommend that you not leave the safety of the securities Treasury. On the contrary, all together, I made clear the real problem is not with all the securities the Treasury. Strictly long-term Treasuries.

Another reason is that the short term, short term (within a few years in duration) is much, much less vulnerable than long-term variety.

VS treasury bills (always less than one year) suffer little or no reduction in prices, even in the midst of the collapse of the bond market.

So stick with them. Yes, I know. Their income is sadly low. But they still offer the best in the world of security and liquidity.

Make sure you avoid any long-term notes and bonds - whether issued by the Government. If the market price of bonds falls, it is your principal value. And for this reason that the losses in principle, any additional interest they pay you may be eliminated in the heart.

Good luck and God bless!

US frame-up of Aafia Siddiqui begins to unravel

Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui Neuro went to trial in federal court room in New York on January 19, charged with attempting to murder U.S. troops in Ghazni province in Afghanistan in 2008. The case against Dr. Siddiqui, 37, soon due to lack of Unraveling evidencPakistaanse neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui on trial in Federal Hall in New York on January 19, charged with attempted murder of U.S. in the Afghan province of Ghazni in 2008. The case against Dr. Siddiqui, 37, is rapidly decay due to lack of evidence and testimony of witnesses hostility.

It is increasingly apparent that the costs of fabrication, shown in order to hide the fact that Siddiqui, along with her elder son, have been free in the notorious Bagram U.S. military prison in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2008, where they were tortured. The two younger children of Dr. Siddiqui is still missing.

According to the report given by the U.S. authorities, Aafia Siddiqui was arrested by Afghan security forces in July 2008 after she claimed in a list of U.S. targets for terrorist attack and found bomb making instructions, and various chemicals.

Despite these observations Siddiqui is charged with terrorism-related crimes. Instead, it is the defendant in court on charges captured with an automatic weapon and shot her Afghan and American bodyguards, when a group of FBI agents and U.S. military officers came to his collection. The most serious charge against her, is the use of firearms in the commission of a crime, the gun we are talking about American soldiers guns.

Siddiqui was shot twice in the stomach and barely survived the medics in Bagram air field was cut from her belly her belly button to remove the bullets. It was reported that part of her intestines must be removed to save her life.

The charges against strains credulity Siddiqui and hotly denied her family, her lawyers and human rights organizations, who all claim that they held in secret detention the United States, where they had been physically and sexually abused since she disappeared from the streets of Karachi in the spring of 2003 with her three children, then seven, five and six months.

German weekly Der Spiegel, but a few days before she disappeared, Affia Siddiqui had contact with her former professor, Robert Sekuler, at Brandeis University who are looking for work, complaining that there is no work in Pakistan, a woman of education background.

Dr. Siddiqui is a Pakistani national, who was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brandeis University. In July 2001 she and her husband at that time were investigated by the FBI on charges of collaborating with Islamic charities. After the events of September 11, 2001 couple returned to Pakistan at a time when hundreds of Pakistanis and other Muslims, were detained for questioning in the United States. The family lived in Karachi, where was Aafia Siddiqui worked at the Aga Khan University.

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Aafia Siddiqui and her children were abducted by Pakistani intelligence agents on his way to Karachi airport. Their whereabouts remain unknown Aafia Siddiqui and her eldest son, Ahmed, was detained in Afghanistan in July 2008, several years after their disappearance. While the Pakistani Interior Ministry, initially, it was confirmed that the abduction occurred, later claimed that he had made a mistake and said that Siddiqui is not in the Pakistani prisoners. This round was an attempt to conceal the involvement of Pakistani intelligence services in the issuance of the U.S. government of Afghanistan Siddiqui and her subsequent testing.

Aafia Siddiqui's sister, Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui, the press reported that she and her mother arrived in the United States in 2003 to meet the FBI, who claimed that Aafia Siddiqui should be released soon. In Pakistan, Siddiqui's family was repeatedly harassed and received numerous death threats from the dark forces in Pakistan's ruling elite. The family was ordered not in public professions of support Aafia and her three children.

Between 2003 and 2008, when the whereabouts of Siddiqui was still unknown, the U.S. stated that she worked on behalf of al-Qaeda. In May 2004 she was handed over by U.S. officials as one of the seven most wanted al-Qaeda refugees. The United States also erroneously claims that she was married to Ammar al-Baluchi, a nephew who allegedly Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 'brains' of 9 / 11 attacks. Siddiqui claims that he was married to al-Baluchi was based solely on coercive statements by Muhammad, who had repeatedly tortured.

The U.S. military and the FBI has always denied that Siddiqui was in custody in the United States until his arrest in 2008. Aafia Siddiqui actually spent the years between 2003 and 2008 in the detention facility at Bagram Air Base, which many refer to it as the "Gray Lady of Bagram."

Around the same time, as it put the arrest, the British journalist Yvonne Ridley, was to draw attention to an unknown prisoner in prison in Bagram, known as prisoner number 650. In his book "enemy combatants", Moazzam Begg recalled heard the cries of a woman as she was tortured while in custody in the same institution. According to Ridley, in 2005, male prisoners at the facility were so concerned about her screams and cries that she staged a hunger strike which lasted six days.

When she was arrested in 2008, 11 years old, when her son Ahmed, an American citizen, who was on her side. Injured boy had been repatriated to Pakistan, where he now lives with his aunt, Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui. According to his aunt, Pakistani authorities allowed to communicate with the media Ahmed.

Appearance Siddiqui changed since 2002, according to her lawyers. She broke her nose, pale and very weak, weighing about 100 kg. When they arrived in the U.S., she suffers from severe trauma, according to her lawyers, who were outraged that she received first aid. Siddiqui is suffering excruciating pain from the wounds she suffered in Afghanistan and hung over her in a wheelchair when she arrived in court in August 2008.

Her trial was delayed when her lawyers argued that she was mentally unfit to participate in his defense. However, prosecutors have finally found mental health experts who claim that her condition seemed to escape punishment. Judge Richard Berman ruled that she was mentally fit for trial.

Limited media attention given to the process is remarkable, especially considering that Siddiqui had been listed as Top Al-Qaeda suspect. Boulevard Press, New York, where the trial received limited attention was of its debt for granted, dubbing it a cynical "Lady" Al-Qaeda. "The trial is being closely monitored in Pakistan, where many tests Siddiqui in a rage and led to protests in the country.

From the outset, it is doubtful whether the process is characterized by irregularities and the court went on his way to the prosecutors to meet. Íÿìà Pakistani journalist was granted press credentials to attend the opening statements Tuesday. The lawyers protested against the robust security measures to introduce during the trial, which obviously supports the idea that Siddiqui is a threat to the United States.

In clear violation of his rights, Judge Berman has repeatedly thrown Siddiqui from the courtroom for what he called her "flash". Spike tortured Siddiqui's claims of innocence and protest that they were tortured.

"Since I was unable to speak," she said in court. "If you are in a secret prison, tortured or your children were ... Give me credit, it is not a list of goals, New York. I never intended to bomb. You're lying."

This process is also characterized by contradictory testimony, which undermined the case against Siddiqui.

On the third day of the trial, Assistant Attorney SV Jenny Dabbs display multiple photos in the room where the prosecution's case there was shooting. However, Carl Rosatti, FBI firearms expert who examined the case, admitted Friday that he found "no shell casings or bullets or fragments of bullets, no evidence of guns [M-4 rifle, the soldier] fired. Only the shell Shell covered 9 -- milllimeter gun, who was shot Siddiqui. On the fourth day of the trial, an FBI agent, revealed that the FBI found no fingerprints Aafia Siddiqui at the M-4 rifles.

Ensign, who shot Siddiqui also took the position, saying the version of events created by the prosecution. He claimed that on the day he and his colleagues went to collect Siddiqui, she suddenly grabbed his gun and turned it over to U.S. troops after he opened fire with a 9-millimeter pistols.

When Siddiqui said: "I have never been shot, she dropped out of the hall before the end of the day.

The unnamed officer warrant, which came to the state through a stick, was given the opportunity to tell how he was injured as a result of the recent and quite confusing roads bombing in Afghanistan, the tears, as he did. Although this is completely irrelevant to the study, the wounds of soldiers used as part of the blatant attempts to influence a jury trial. Testimony, Judge Berman, which shows the fraudulent nature of the process.

Feeling that Siddiqui is very emotionally unstable, the plaintiffs moved to compel her to testify in the hope that they will testify against himself. Advocates argue that it is not mentally fit to testify in court. Again Berman right side of the prosecution.

Berman warns that Aafia Siddiqui was not allowed to talk about events prior to her arrest in July 2008. However, on Thursday Siddiqui repeatedly told the jury that it was held in secret prisons by the U.S. authorities, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan. She told jurors how she shot immediately after she peered through the curtains to find a way to salvation. She added that it would be absurd to suppose that the soldiers would leave the gun, where, as expected, the accused can get dangerous to him.

"It's crazy," she said. "It's ridiculous. I did not.

Responding to a question the U.S. attorney for the contents of his purse, which allegedly contain chemicals, bomb making instructions and a list of goals, the U.S., Siddiqui said: "I can not say that the bag was not mine, so I 'T must pass through everything." Siddiqui lawyers have argued bag and its contents have been planted evidence. Her lawyer, Elaine Whitfield Sharp Siddiqui said that was in 2008, that do in fact "good incriminating evidence."

"Of course, they found all these things on it. It was planted on her. This is the final victim of the American dark side," another of her lawyers have told the Associated Press in 2008.

Siddiqui told the jury that her children are constantly on the head, and she was disoriented at the time of her arrest in 2008.

On Friday, the prosecution called Gary Woodworth with the Braintree Rifle and Pistol Club in Massachusetts to testify. Woodworth Siddiqui said that was a 12-hour course in the gun at some point in the early 1990's. The Associated Press of Pakistan reported that Woodworth was sad, when the defense team wanted to know how it was possible for him to recall a particular man with two decades earlier, when hundreds of students. Woodworth admitted that he had no papers or documents proving its claim, asserting that it was well to remember faces.

In addition, on Friday, FBI Special Agent Bruce Kamerman showed that Siddiqui grabbed a machine gun from a fit of anger. But he seemed nervous, as one of the lawyers Siddiqui made handwritten notes in which there is no mention of a pistol grip.

Despite the clearly fictional character of the law for the prosecution, there is no guarantee of an acquittal.

Even if she is not guilty, the fate of two other children Aafia Siddiqui, Mariam and Suleman, remains unknown. Siddiqui said that she was detained in solitary confinement for five years, she was forced to listen endlessly recording her screams, terrified children. Her child, Suleman, according to her, immediately took her never to be seen. She said that her daughter Mariam, now revealed to her, but only as a dark figure in a letter opaque glass.

A terrible case of Aafia Siddiqui and her three children is just one example of the criminal and inhuman practices of U.S. imperialism and its allies, Pakistani bourgeoisie. Hundreds, if not thousands of Pakistanis were abducted by Pakistani intelligence and handed over to U.S. personnel deployed to Bagram, Guantanamo and other "black site" torture chambers around the world. Although the Pakistani government now asserts that he is doing his utmost to Siddiqui returned to Pakistan to bring his alleged efforts are nothing more than schade.e and disagrees with the testimony of witnesses.

More and more it becomes apparent that the charges are trumped-up charges, which were delivered to hide the fact that Siddiqui, along with her eldest son, was held without charges in the notorious U.S. military prison at Bagram in Afghanistan during the period between 2003 and 2008 where they were tortured. Two doctors. Siddiqui younger children are still missing.

According to the report according to U.S. authorities, Aafia Siddiqui was taken into custody of Afghan security forces in July 2008 after allegedly found a list of U.S. targets for terrorist acts, as well as bomb-making instructions, and various chemicals.

Despite these claims, Siddiqui is not charged with any terrorism. Instead, she is blamed for allegedly seized an automatic weapon and opened fire on Afghan and American invaders her, when a group VS officers and FBI agents arrived to collect it. The most serious charge against her use of a firearm in a felony gun on this issue will be the rifle U.S. troops.

Siddiqui was shot twice in the stomach and barely survived after doctors at Bagram Air Field had to make a cut from the breast bone of the navel to remove the bullets. It was reported that some of its insides have been removed to save her life.

The charges against strains credulity Siddiqui and were hotly denied her relatives, her lawyers and human rights organizations, all of whom argue that it was held in secret detention, where she was physically and sexually abused since she Off the streets of Karachi has disappeared in the spring of 2003 with her three children, then seven, five and six months.

In accordance with Germanwings weekly, Der Spiegel, just days before she disappeared, Affia Siddiqui got in touch with her former professor, Robert Sekuler, at Brandeis University in search of work, complained that there were no employment opportunities in Pakistan, the woman or her education .

Dr. Siddiqui is a Pakistani national, who was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brandeis University. In July 2001 she and her husband at the time were carefully studied by the FBI on charges of ties to Islamic charities. After the events of September 11, 2001 couple returned to Pakistan at a time when hundreds of Pakistanis and other Muslims were detained for questioning in the United States. The family lived in Karachi, where Aafia Siddiqui worked at the Aga Khan University.

According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Aafia Siddiqui and her children were abducted by Pakistani intelligence agents on their way to the airport in Karachi. Their whereabouts remained unknown until Aafia Siddiqui and her eldest son, Ahmed, reportedly detained in Afghanistan in July 2008, several years after their disappearance. While the Pakistani Interior Ministry was initially confirmed that the abduction was a place of duties, he later claimed that he was mistaken, and said that Siddiqui was not in the Pakistani prisoners. This round was an attempt to hide the Pakistani intelligence services of involvement in the extradition to the U.S. government on Siddiqui in Afghanistan and its subsequent test.

Aafia Siddiqui's sister, Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui told the press that she and her mother were JOUR eyes in the U.S. in 2003 to meet with representatives of the FBI, who claimed that Aafia Siddiqui will soon be released. In Pakistan, Siddiqui's family have repeatedly harassed and received numerous death threats from the dark forces in Pakistan's ruling elite. The family was ordered not to make any public appeals in support of Aafia and her three children.

Between 2003 and 2008, when the whereabouts of Siddiqui was still unknown, the U.S. said she worked on behalf of al-Qaeda. In May 2004 she was engaged by U.S. officials as one of the seven "Most Wanted" Al-Qaeda fugitives. The United States also falsely claimed that she was married to Ammar al-Baluchi, who is reportedly a nephew of Khalid Sheikh